February 9, 2010

Baby Poppyseed

Well, Anne Marie noticed my widgit on my blog, so I guess I'd better go ahead and do an official announcement (I was getting around to it, I swear! I was just waiting to get my latest hcg results!) I'm pregnant and due October 7! We were a bit surprised, my cycles have been out of whack since I lost Dominic, but I guess the teeny smudge of fertile mucus I had last cycle was enough :D Of course, we found out I was pregnant a week and a half after dh lost his job, so that's a little stressful, but we know God will take care of us. I've had four hcg blood draws (because of my prior ectopic pregnancy) and they look great! Just from Friday to Monday my levels went from 380 something to over 2000! We have an ultrasound scheduled for the 16th, we'll verify baby isn't ectopic and get our first look at him/her.

I'm trying to remember to pray for the intercession of St. Gerard every day, and we welcome your prayers for a healthy pregnancy, too.

O great Saint Gerard, beloved servant of Jesus Christ, perfectimitator of your meek and humble Savior, and devoted child of Mother of God, enkindle within my heartone spark of that heavenly fire of charity which glowed in your heart and made you an angel of love.

O glorious Saint Gerard, because when falsely accused of crime, you did bear, like your Divine Master, without murmur or complaint, the calumnies of wicked men, you have been raised up by God as the patron and protector of expectant mothers.

Preserve me from danger and from the excessive pains accompanying childbirth, and shield the child which I now carry, that it may see the light of day, and receive the purifying and life-giving waters of baptism through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.


Elizabeth said...

Congrats Katie!
Don't forget St Gianna Beretta Molla, too! I had Hcg and Progesterone draws first trimester and Progesterone injection supplementation throughout my last pregnancy...Lumpy will be 3 months old on Feb 25th...he just crossed the 12# /23" mark yesterday!
Blessings & prayers, E

Unknown said...

Congratulations!! You and your family will be in my prayers.

Thou Art Jules said...

Congratulations! Prayers for a happy and healthy pregnancy!

Sarah said...

Hooray!! Praying for you. Do you have at St Gerard medal? I have an extra that I can bring to bible study, if you need one :)

Angie @ Many Little Blessings said...

Amanda & I had a huge discussion about it this weekend while we were in Nashville when we looked on your blog and saw the widget.


Lucy said...

Congratulations. Prayers for you, the baby and your husband's job situation.

Katie said...

Oh, that would be great Sarah! I have St. Gerard prayer cards, but I haven't found a medal.

Thanks everyone! :)