February 16, 2010

I had an ultrasound today, Poppyseed looks good! I'm actually a week behind where my lmp put me, but I wasn't really surprised. My cycles have been off since I miscarried Dominic so I didn't think my lmp was terribly accurate. So I'm actually 5w6d and Poppyseed is teeny! Hard to see in the u/s, but there s/he is between the two cursors.


Thou Art Jules said...

awww! Amazing!

Dawn said...

So so happy for you! Congratulations! Praying for you here!

Katie said...

Even that little we could see the little heartbeat flickering away :) She was able to get it on the audio for just a second, but then it would fade out because Poppyseed is just so tiny.

Anne Marie said...

What joy!! The world has changed, God has created a new soul for your family to love, for us all to love. Welcome baby poppyseed!!

Shelley said...

Poppyseed! I love it!

erin said...

Long time no see! CONGRATS! Wonderful news. Due with our third around then (Mid-September).

What a year you've had. Will be thinking of and praying for you and your family often.
