July 12, 2008

Our Curricula

I realized yesterday that it's the middle of July and I haven't really planned our school year. Oh my. Well, luckily I'm mostly using Catholic Heritage Curricula, which includes premade lesson plans. I thought that would be nice for the first year or two as I get used to homeschooling and build up my confidence. We're also going to do some work with Prima Latina and Story of the World (if I can ever snag the activity book cheap off ebay). I also bought a planner to schedule in breaks and vacations. At the moment, I have us starting the last week of August and ending in the middle of May, which sounds about right. I actually wanted to start the first week of September, but Bailey thought that was a terrible idea and wanted to start ASAP, so we compromised.


Angie @ Many Little Blessings said...

Can you believe we're actually starting tomorrow? I just thought I would start mid-July, and that way, we would take breaks throughout the year. You know, a week here or there.

Techinically, the kids already have done five days, as they attended a week long art camp, and I counted that toward our total.

My kids are pretty thrilled at the prospect of starting tomorrow. :)

Katie said...

Oh wow! Well good luck :) Isn't nice to see kids so excited about school? I know a lot of people that do more like year round, actually!