November 17, 2009

Pathology results

I spoke with my OB yesterday, the pathology results were back in. My placenta was normal, one spot of degeneration, but she said that was probably post miscarriage and not a factor. Dominic was chromosomally normal, 46xy (male). He did have a clubbed right foot, but that had nothing to do with the miscarriage. So, basically, no obvious reason why his heart stopped beating.

I see my OB on the 25th for a "post-partum" check, and they'll run some tests on me to make sure there's nothing wrong on my end. But, she said in 60% of cases, they never find a reason for the miscarriage.

Not having a concrete answer doesn't really bother me. Sometimes things just happen, and I accept that. My biggest concern was a hereditary genetic problem, or something that could have been prevented/happen again. That doesn't appear to be the case, so that's a relief. Emotionally though I'm not in a place to get pregnant again any time soon. I feel like I need to get past his due date before I can even think about it.


Elizabeth said...

Blessings, Katie.
That due date will be an important milestone...and a hard one. I will continue to keep you in my prayers.

Carley said...

Katie - I'm relieved you can be at ease regarding any genetic factors, but I know how fustrating it can be to feel "answerless." Your faith has been so strong throughout this - your strength has so inspired me.

Sending you lots of love,
Carley ("from MDC")

Michelle said...

Katie, my heart just aches for your family. I have suffered so many loss but our loss in August of 2007 seemed to be the hardest for me to handle. We named our baby Dominic also. The name was so fitting as I knew he wasn't mine to have here on earth but to wait for me in Heaven. I don't know if you want to read about him but I wrote about my experience at that time on my blog.

While I didn't think we would get pregnant quickly after I conceived Caroline that first month later. I think God knew I needed her to help me to heal. While I still hurt thinking about all the babies I have lost and particularly about Dominic I also know that God's plans are much better than any plan I could ever dream of and placing our lives in His hands has been so rewarding.

My thoughts and prayers are with your family as you heal. Thank you for your faith-filled story of love!