January 11, 2010

I think the most exciting thing going on right now is that I'll be ordering day old baby chicks in a couple weeks. My friend and neighbor is a 4H leader (and Bailey is doing 4H this year) and so is her mom (who is known as "the chicken lady"). So, on her advice, we're getting 5 Black Giants and 5 Buff Orpingtons for egg laying (both are very friendly birds) and 15 Cornish Roasters for meat. I'll be brooding them in my garage and then building the coop in March (the meat birds will be ready to slaughter as early as April, if I get the shipped to me at the beginning of February, so I won't really need to worry about having room for them- by the time they're big enough to need more living space, they're dead!)

I'm very excited! I've been wanting chickens for a few years now. And Bailey will be showing our egg layers at 4H this summer, she's very excited as well! I can't wait to get them and start blogging it!


Shelley said...

Oh, Katie...that sounds like so much fun. I know I'd never be able to kill the roasters, though - I am such a big baby. But I'd love to raise some chickens for eggs and given them a happy kind of bug-eating, grass-frolicking life.

And then I'd like to get some dairy goats and some ducks. And two horses.

Katie said...

yeah, I'm not quite ready to kill them myself, I think! I'm going to take them up to Winimac and pay someone else to do the dirty work for me :D Actually, my neighbor kills her own, but she doesn't speak any English, so...

I'd also love goats (for meat and milk) and cows...and pigs...and horses...