December 29, 2010

We had a lovely Christmas day, and hope you did, too!  The Word was made flesh and dwelt among great God's love for us is!  Rejoice in Him!

My thoughts are turning towards the new year.  The last two years have been very difficult for us.  Sometimes it's hard to feel God's presence and praise Him in the darkness, but what can you do?  Cling to the cross and carry on.  And truly, even in the hardest times, we've also been immeasurably blessed.  Still, I hope the new year is a little easier on us!

Resolutions are so appropriate, aren't they?  A chance to start fresh.  I try to keep mine realistic and simple.  Lose weight, read more :)  Pray more, love more, give more...

What's your new year resolution?


Audrey S. J. said...

Keep trusting God, no matter how hard it may seem..He will direct. I know for us, we've had some tough years too, & are really struggling to know what to do this coming year..but we know God will give the grace for whatever comes!
Our Lady of Grace pray for you & be with you!

Katie said...

Thanks so much for the words of encouragement, Audrey!