If anyone is still hanging out, here are some updates for you!
- We were approved for our foster parent license! We don't have a permanent placement yet, but we did do respite for another family over the Thanksgiving holiday. We're open to adopting if any kiddos placed with us become available.
- In preparation for that, we upgraded to a 12 passenger van. I love it. I feel like I'm in some official Catholic mom club now. The Big Ass Van crew.
- I've been working from home as a freelance writer to help make ends meet. Nothing fancy, just resumes and web content development.
- Still homeschooling the 1st and 7th graders.
- Oh, and I'm a contributing blogger over at Rational Catholic Blog, a blog for faithful, science-minded Catholics.
SO, someday I hope to actually get back into blogging regularly. Check in once in awhile and see!
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