April 27, 2011

I had my garden tilled last week, and picked up some seeds today.  I'm hoping for a break in the rain so the soil can dry out enough to plant sometime this week.  This year I'm planning on potatoes, onions, green beans, pickling cucumbers, zucchini, and tomatoes.  And of course, I have my peach and cherry trees (which are blooming and look so lovely).

Dh's boss verified that he will be hiring him on permanently after his ManPower contract is up.  He'll be first in line for the ax if business slows down a lot, though, so prayers that business stays good for them!  Thank you to all who have prayed for us during this time, we appreciate it greatly.

I could also also use some prayers for my mental health.  I have been feeling a familiar darkness coming on, and I'm not sure if it's postpartum related or my old issues surfacing.  Either way, prayers are appreciated!


Rightthinker said...

Glad to hear about your garden progress! That's great! I'm also thankful to hear about your husbands job. I pray things stay busy for the company.

I will also pray about your mental health. Know you always have someone to talk to in me. Email me anytime if you need to talk. I pray the darkness starts to lift for you very soon.

God Bless

ccc said...

I will say some prayers for you. Take care of yourself.[[hugs]]

Mommy on a mission said...

Prayers are sent your way! I am glad all is going well for your husband's job and we'll pray his company stays super busy!

Also praying for your mental health. I encourage you to look up saint with same struggles, it makes a difference. If there is anything I can do please let me know.

Katie said...

Thank you! MoaM, I think St. Dymphna is the patroness of mental illness, I will have to double check.